.welcome to the studio.

Over the past year, I have completely immersed myself back into mixed media and the fine art realm full-time. Photography is still included in my art, but it is of particular subjects that pertain to the collection. I am primarily focused on encaustic, cold wax and mixed media.

The {ne·phol·o·gy} collection is a labor of love and a bridge for me to move to the next step of my artistic vision. It is a bridge of light and love and more of an extension and continuation of my life’s work as I have been an artist my entire life and moving back into fine art after photographing people and celebrations for over sixteen years. Photography unexpectedly became the primary medium to express my vision and I hold it dear to me. Where I have been and whom I have photographed have been more than I could have hoped for and this amazing fateful happening of events. It feels so good to take this next step in the journey to explore more ways of expression with other mediums.

Over the past few years, I have been going back and forth on whether to have a fully immersive show that encompasses everything in my creative head for many collections. I had to tell myself to take it piece-by-piece and one collection at a time and to slow down as it will all merge over time. Slowing down an overly artistic brain is hard to do as I have some large installation pieces and immersive experiences forming. Please join me on this journey as the {ne·phol·o·gy} collection is just the beginning.




noun RARE

noun: nephology

the study or contemplation of clouds

